Insum Insider An Oracle Forms Update with Michael Ferrante
By: Marc Ruel On: May 6, 2021 In: Insum Insider Comments: 0

Oracle Forms remains at the heart of many businesses, and Oracle intends to keep it relevant for years to come. On this episode of the Insum Insider, we get the latest on Forms from its top representative, Senior Principal Product Manager Michael Ferrante.

There’s much to unpack with Michael, from Oracle’s recent release of its Oracle Forms in Cloud update and now easier integration with ADB, to the most recent announcement that EBS12.2 (and thus Forms) will be supported thru at least 2032.

Useful links from this episode

The Oracle Forms Tech community


Oracle Forms Services on the Cloud


Two Truths and a Lie

Finally, guess which one of these three statements is a lie? See the answer in the video!

The Insum Insider

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