This post is directed at Oracle database users and DBAs looking for a recommendation on how to audit their tables. I’m reviewing two common standards:
(1) Journaling tables vs. (2) Flashback Data Archive (FDA).
Ultimately, I recommend using FDA.
(1) Journaling tables
This auditing standard describes adding triggers to the tables you wish to audit to populate a secondary table with a log of all the DML performed against the 1st table.
How to
An easy way to implement this standard is described in this video: APEX Instant Tips #40 “Instantly” add full table audit capability to your applications
An alternative methodology is described in Connor McDonald’s GitHub repo: connormcd/audit_utility: Automatic generator for the typical audit triggers we have on Oracle tables with lots of options
Pros | Cons |
(2) Flashback Data Archive
This auditing standard describes enabling an Oracle Database feature to preserve a history of all the changes performed against the tables you wish to audit.
How to
We discuss the following instructions in our episode APEX Instant Tips #43 Flashback Data Archive.
DBA steps
You will need to involve your DBA to get started. I recommend that a DBA perform the following:
1 . Create a tablespace for archive data, you can name it ‘archive_data’, for example.
2 . Create an archive in said-tablespace:
create flashback archive default fda1year tablespace archive_data retention 1 year;
The above command defines that all audit data will be preserved for a duration of 1 year, then purged. Consult your legal team for what your retention period should be.
3 . Instruct FDA to store context data (like APP_USER, SESSION_USER and CLIENT_IDENTIFIER) for all archive-enabled tables. This is highly recommended because you need your audit trail to capture the username of the APEX user:
exec dbms_flashback_archive.set_context_level('ALL');
4 . Allow your database user to enable archiving into the default archive:
grant flashback archive on fda1year to hayden;
5 . Allow said-database user to access the context information using dbms_flashback_archive:
grant execute on dbms_flashback_archive to hayden;
Regular database user steps
1 . Thanks to the “flashback archive” grant from your DBA you can now audit any table in your schema, eg:
alter table ait_env_var flashback archive;
2 . To access the context variables that record which APEX users perform DML on your table, I recommend creating a simple package function to catch errors in the event of the context variables being missing:
create or replace package ait_fda authid definer is
function my_context(p_xid in raw,
p_namespace in varchar2,
p_parameter in varchar2)
return varchar2;
end ait_fda;
create or replace package body ait_fda is
function my_context(p_xid in raw,
p_namespace in varchar2,
p_parameter in varchar2)
return varchar2
l_context_value varchar2(256);
fetch_is_null exception;
pragma exception_init(fetch_is_null, -1405);
select dbms_flashback_archive.get_sys_context(p_xid, p_namespace, p_parameter)
into l_context_value
from dual;
return l_context_value;
when fetch_is_null then
return null;
when others then
end my_context;
end ait_fda;
You can now query the audit history of your table by writing a Flashback version query, eg:
aev.*, versions_operation,
ait_fda.my_context( p_xid => versions_xid,
p_namespace => 'USERENV',
p_parameter => 'SESSION_USER') as session_user,
ait_fda.my_context( p_xid => versions_xid,
p_namespace => 'USERENV',
p_parameter => 'CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') as client_identifier,
ait_fda.my_context( p_xid => versions_xid,
p_namespace => 'APEX$SESSION',
p_parameter => 'APP_USER') as apex_user
versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue aev
For more on how to write a Flashback version query consult the following post.
Pros | Cons |
All in all, my recommendation is to use your database’s built-in auditing feature: Flashback Data Archive (FDA). It’s the least amount of hassle for the most reliable audit trail. Let me know if you agree or disagree!