By: Francis Mignault On: September 20, 2018 In: Business Solutions Comments: 0
By: Michel St-Amour On: September 18, 2018 In: Business Solutions Comments: 0

Lack of time, lack of knowledge and too many preconceptions can hold back your business, especially when it comes to its technological evolution. Where does this problem come from? How can you solve it? Start by seeking out the facts.   These days, it’s getting harder to rely on...

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By: Anton Nielsen On: September 14, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 0

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex combination of website qualities that combine to improve the site’s ranking by search engines. As we all should hope, the most important factor is content. The goal of search engines is to display the most relevant, compelling and current content to users....

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By: David Schleis On: September 5, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 3

Web services are an efficient means of providing access to web resources to a variety of clients. This access can be provided regardless of the client by relying on a standardized architecture to ensure interoperability and predictable behavior. REST  Currently, REST, or Representational State Transfer, is the most popular...

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