By: Marc Ruel On: October 29, 2020 In: Insum Insider Comments: 0
By: Francis Mignault On: October 21, 2020 In: Forms, Oracle Forms Comments: 0
By: Marc Ruel On: October 15, 2020 In: Insum Insider Comments: 0

In this Insider, Michelle and Monty are joined by Oracle's Jeff Smith and Kris Rice, to discuss the origins, current state, & future of ORDS

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By: Michelle Skamene On: October 11, 2020 In: APEX Basics, New Release Comments: 0
By: Marc Ruel On: October 8, 2020 In: Insum Insider Comments: 0

We got together with some of the women in APEX to learn more about their current work, past experiences and to have a conversation about getting more women involved in the Oracle APEX community.

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