By: Steven Feuerstein On: June 14, 2021 In: APEX Developer Solutions, Feuertips Comments: 3

For this tip, we tried something a bit different. I posted some code (below) that I believed could use some refactoring. During the session we discussed the code (I did most of the talking). I then showed my rewrite.

I also pointed everyone to this excellent companion post by Samuel Nitsche, which would make it easier for you to build a regression test script for a variation of this code. An excellent reminder that…..

It’s hard to refactor successfully, if you cannot test for regressions.

Here’s the piece of code I dug out of my archives. The developer needs to write data from various log tables into files. This was his first pass at a “proof of concept” of the program, which he asked me to look over before proceeding to apply that approach to the rest of the files.

Here’s the recording of my Feuertip

   type T_LINES is table of varchar2(4000);
   k_file1_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'abcd';
   k_file2_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'arty';
   k_file3_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'rett';
   k_file4_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'qsur';
   k_file5_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'wede';
   k_file6_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'cfrt';
   k_file7_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'ored';
   l_file1_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file2_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file3_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file4_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file6_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file5_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file7_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file1_lines_cnt   number := 0;
   l_file2_lines_cnt   number := 0;
   l_file3_lines_cnt   number := 0;
   l_file4_lines_cnt   number := 0;
   l_file6_lines_cnt   number := 0;
   l_file5_lines_cnt   number := 0;
   l_file7_lines_cnt   number := 0;
   l_file1_line        varchar2(4000);
   l_file2_line        varchar2(4000);
   l_file3_line        varchar2(4000);
   l_file4_line        varchar2(4000);
   l_file6_line        varchar2(4000);
   l_file5_line        varchar2(4000);
   l_file7_line        varchar2(4000);
   l_file1_name        varchar2(100) := k_file1_name;
   l_file2_name        varchar2(100) := k_file2_name;
   l_file3_name        varchar2(100) := k_file3_name;
   l_file4_name        varchar2(100) := k_file4_name;
   l_file6_name        varchar2(100) := k_file5_name;
   l_file5_name        varchar2(100) := k_file6_name;
   l_file7_name        varchar2(100) := k_file7_name;
   l_current_key       number default 0;
   l_first_time        number default 0;

   procedure init as
      l_file1_lines  := T_LINES();
      l_file2_lines  := T_LINES();
      l_file3_lines  := T_LINES();
      l_file4_lines  := T_LINES();
      l_file6_lines  := T_LINES();
      l_file5_lines  := T_LINES();
      l_file7_lines  := T_LINES();
   end init;

   procedure print_lines (
      p_file_name  in  varchar2,
      p_lines      in  T_LINES
   ) as
      l_file utl_file.file_type;
      l_file := utl_file.fopen('TEMP', p_file_name, 'w');
      for i in p_lines.first..p_lines.last loop
         utl_file.put_line(l_file, p_lines(i));
      end loop;
      utl_file.fclose (l_file);
   end print_lines;

   procedure add_line (
      p_file_name  in  varchar2,
      p_line       in  varchar2
   ) as
      case p_file_name
         when k_file1_name then
            l_file1_lines(l_file1_lines.count)      := p_line;
            l_file1_lines_cnt                        := l_file1_lines_cnt + 1;
         when k_file2_name then
            l_file2_lines(l_file2_lines.count)      := p_line;
            l_file2_lines_cnt                        := l_file2_lines_cnt + 1;
         when k_file3_name then
            l_file3_lines(l_file3_lines.count)      := p_line;
            l_file3_lines_cnt                        := l_file3_lines_cnt + 1;
         when k_file4_name then
            l_file4_lines(l_file4_lines.count)      := p_line;
            l_file4_lines_cnt                        := l_file4_lines_cnt + 1;
         when k_file5_name then
            l_file5_lines(l_file5_lines.count)      := p_line;
            l_file5_lines_cnt                        := l_file5_lines_cnt + 1;
         when k_file6_name then
            l_file6_lines(l_file6_lines.count)      := p_line;
            l_file6_lines_cnt                        := l_file6_lines_cnt + 1;
         when k_file7_name then
            l_file7_lines(l_file7_lines.count)      := p_line;
            l_file7_lines_cnt                        := l_file7_lines_cnt + 1;
      end case;
   end add_line;

   for crs in (
      select *
        from dual
   ) loop
         when l_current_key != crs.key_id then
            l_first_time   := 1;
            l_current_key  := crs.key_id;
            l_first_time := 2;
      end case;

      if l_first_time = 1 then
         for crs2 in (
            select *
              from dual
         ) loop
            l_file1_line := crs.key_id
                            || '|'
                            || crs.val1
                            || '|'
                            || crs.val2
                            || '|'
                            || crs.val3;

               p_file_name  => k_file1_name,
               p_line       => l_file1_line
         end loop;
      end if;

   end loop;

   print_lines(l_file1_name, l_file1_lines);

    /* Next! */

   for crs in (
      select *
        from dual /* a different query */) loop
         when l_current_key != crs.key_id then
            l_first_time   := 1;
            l_current_key  := crs.key_id;
            l_first_time := 2;
      end case;

      if l_first_time = 1 then
         for crs2 in (
            select *
              from dual /* a different query */) loop
            l_file2_line := crs.key_id
                            || '|'
                            || crs.val1
                            || '|'
                            || crs.val2
                            || '|'
                            || crs.val4
                            || '|'
                            || crs.val5
                            || '|'
                            || crs.val6;

               p_file_name  => k_file2_name,
               p_line       => l_file2_line
         end loop;
      end if;

   end loop;

   print_lines(l_file2_name, l_file2_lines);

    /* And so on.... */

Thoughts On This Code

I hope that you had the same fundamental reaction to this code: SO MUCH REPETITION!

Whenever I see patterns like this in code….

   l_file1_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file2_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file3_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file4_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file6_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file5_lines       T_LINES;
   l_file7_lines       T_LINES;

….I am simultaneously alarmed and delighted.

Alarmed that it was written in the first place. Delighted that I can (probably) find a way to get rid of redundant code, and come up with something that is clear and easy to maintain.

A Refactored Version

Below you will find a refactored version of the anonymous block. Here’s an overview of the changes:

1. Move to a stored program unit, in this case a schema-level procedure. Generally you do not want to build and run anonymous blocks. You want to compile program units and then run those. It is much more likely you will be able to reuse code that way. The compiler can also offer more assistance, such as with compile-time warnings.

2. Switched from integer to Boolean to determine if running loop body for the first time. That’s a small thing, but the PL/SQL team went to the bother of implementing a Boolean type. The least we can do is use it.

3. The big change: use a string indexed collection of lines of text, in which the index values are the names of the files. This one step allowed me to remove all that redundant code! You see this more clearly in the add_line procedure. That massive case statement is now replaced by this single assignment:

l_file_contents(p_file_name)(l_file_contents(p_file_name).count + 1) := p_line;

By taking this approach, all the lines for a given file are automatically, elegantly stored within a nested collection identified by the file name.

If you are not yet comfortable working with string-indexed collections, I hope this motivates you to do some studying and write some code!

create or replace procedure push_to_destination_files 
   k_file1_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'abcd';
   k_file2_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'arty';
   k_file3_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'rett';
   k_file4_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'qsur';
   k_file5_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'wede';
   k_file6_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'cfrt';
   k_file7_name        constant varchar2(20) := 'ored';

   /* string indexed collection containing all lines for all files */
   type t_lines is table of varchar2(4000) index by pls_integer;
   type t_files is table of t_lines index by varchar2(100);
   l_file_contents     t_files;

   procedure add_line (
      p_file_name  in  varchar2,
      p_line       in  varchar2
      l_scope   logger_logs.scope%type := 'add_line';
      l_params  logger.tab_param;
      l_file_contents(p_file_name)(l_file_contents(p_file_name).count + 1) := p_line;
   end add_line;

   procedure load_file1_lines is
      l_one_line     varchar2(4000);
      l_current_spl  number default 0;
      l_first_time   boolean default true;
      l_current_key integer;
      for crs in ( select 1 key_id from dual ) 
            when l_current_key != crs.key_id 
               l_first_time   := true;
               l_current_key  := crs.key_id;
               l_first_time := false;
         end case;

         if l_first_time 
            for crs2 in ( select 1 val1, 2 val2, 3 val3 from dual ) 
               l_one_line := crs.key_id
                             || '|'
                             || crs2.val1
                             || '|'
                             || crs2.val2
                             || '|'
                             || crs2.val3;

                  p_file_name  => k_file1_name,
                  p_line       => l_one_line
            end loop;
         end if;
      end loop;

   procedure write_lines_to_files 
      l_file       utl_file.file_type;
      l_file_name  varchar2(1000);

      procedure fill_one_file (
         p_file_name  in  varchar2,
         p_lines      in  t_lines
         l_file utl_file.file_type;
         l_file := utl_file.fopen('TEMP', p_file_name, 'w');
         for i in p_lines.first..p_lines.last 
            utl_file.put_line(l_file, p_lines(i));
         end loop;
      /* Use names of files in the array index to drive loop */
      l_file_name := l_file_contents.first;
      while l_file_name is not null 
         if l_file_contents(l_file_name).count > 0 
            fill_one_file(l_file_name, l_file_contents(l_file_name));
         end if;
         l_file_name := l_file_contents.next(l_file_name);
      end loop;


Every other Wednesday at 11 am ET, I go live on YouTube and Facebook with Michelle Skamene to provide you with a not-to-be-missed PL/SQL tip and fun conversation. Sure, we record it so you can always watch later, but live is so much more rewarding!
One participant will be selected at random to choose from three organizations dedicated to the preservation of our planet and its biodiversity.
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    • Feuertips #13: My Preconditions for Refactoring - Developer Sam
    • June 15, 2021
    • Reply

    […] Feuertip #13: Let’s refactor! – Insum […]

    • Niels Hecker
    • June 25, 2021
    • Reply

    Hello Steven,
    at refactoring the code for selecting the data and writing it into a logfile into nested procedures like LOAD_FILE1_LINES() you have made a mistake by not initializing the variable L_CURRENT_KEY which will always set L_FIRST_TIME to false as “l_current_key != crs.key_id” will evaluate to NULL and so always the ELSE branch of the CASE will be executed.
    And this little variable L_CURRENT_KEY was also a candidate to make problems in your original code (assuming that the SELECT’s for the first and the second log file haven’t been the same): you haven’t re-initialized the variable between the first and second outer loop. So if the last CRS.KEY_ID from the first loop is equal to the first CRS.KEY_ID of the second loop, the first time of the second outer loop wouldn’t have been catched with L_FIRST_TIME equal to 1.
    Kind regards, Niels

      • Steven Feuerstein
      • July 23, 2021
      • Reply

      Thanks for pointing out these flaws, Niels!

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