Insum at Kscope18 something APEX for everyone
By: Francis Mignault On: May 10, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

This year at Kscope18, Insum will dish out no less than 16 Oracle APEX-related presentations in only 3 days.

Every one of them is designed to capture your developer’s imagination and feed you practical information and guidelines throughout your discovery of the many facets of this powerful Rapid Application Development tool. what’s more, each presenter is an APEX expert in their own right. In other words, you’ll be learning from among the world’s best.

Let’s have a closer look at the Insum Kscope18 schedule.

See a Recap of this extraordinary event in our blog, Kscope Highights – Ideas , Friends, Fun

Monday, June 11th

With Oracle’s recent announcement of an upcoming Oracle blockchain product launch, Adrian Png’s presentation Blockchain Applied: Finding a Use Case for APEX” (6239) is timely, to say the least. How does this technology impact the APEX developer? Find out at 10:45.

Then, at 1:15, Oracle Ace Vincent Morneau presents Turning APEX into a Progressive Web App(PWA)(6296). Modern web browsers are making web apps feel and act like native apps. In this session, APEX meets the world of Progressive Web Apps.

If you are relatively new to APEX then at 2:30, Jackie McIlroy shows those with little knowledge of JavaScript how to use Dynamic Actions to quickly and easily define client-side behavior declaratively, in her presentation “Dive Into Dynamic Actions” (6450).

Tuesday, June 12th

Tuesday is immediately elevated, with renowned Oracle Ace Director Francis Mignault’s (that’s me!) presentation “Lift and Shift Oracle Application Express in the Cloud” (6180) at 11:45which covers the different cloud options available to lift and shift APEX applications to the cloud with a live demo.

In the afternoon, Vincent Morneau returns to help participants master APEX front-end development with “APEX Nitro, from zero to hero” (6295) at 2:15. His increasingly popular developer tool reduces mundane tasks, boosts performance, modularizes code, enhances teamwork, and more.

Also, at 2:15, Oracle Ace Martin D’Souza, presents “Logger: Everyone’s Using It, Why Aren’t You?(6411)Suitable for both managers and developers, this talk covers Code instrumentation (i.e. logging). Logger, the PL/SQL logging tool, can help significantly reduce development/debugging time and aid in production issues.

I’m also back up at 2;15 with “What Every DBA Needs to Know about Oracle Application Express (APEX)” (6178)This presentation helps DBAs answer APEX management and installation questions dealing with back-up, recovery, middle-tier components, and more.

Then, Anton Nielsen rounds out the day at 3:45 with “How to do peer code reviews in APEX development teams” (6393)Well executed peer reviews result in better code, fewer bugs, and money saved. This presentation is well worth you and your team’s time.

Wednesday, June 13th

Oh boy! where to start? Kscope18’s Wednesday will be unbelievably busy for Insum, with a total of 9 presentations. Some of them (like these first four) will be running simultaneously, so you’ll have to choose carefully.

Oracle Ace Jorge Rimblas kicks off the day at 9:00 with “Of course, you can do that with APEX! Report Templates; the definitive guide” (6958). This presentation will leave you stunned from the capabilities of APEX’s templating engine.  From classic Report to Custom Named Templates, to Interactive Reports and Interactive Grid, your assumptions about what APEX can do out of the box will simply be blown away.

Also at 9:00, The perpetually fantastic Richard Soule presents the lessons learned, difficulties encountered, and accomplishments achieved in a cloud migration case study called “Texas Racing Commission: Lessons Learned from Migrating to Oracle Cloud” (6790).

Again at 9:00, well-known Oracle Ace Monty Latiolais and co-presenter Jackie McIlroy demonstrate how a combination of two no-cost Oracle tools (Analytics views and Application Express) can support you (and your user) with highly sophisticated BI reporting capabilities. This session might make you think twice about acquiring OBIEE. The presentation is called EPM Reporting, BI Analytics and Visualization(6996)

Once more, at 9:00, SQL Developer Data Modeler: Just what you need” (6542) Presented by David Schleis overviews some of the most useful features of Data Modeler, Oracle’s Swiss-Army Knife of developer tools. David cuts away at this software’s complexity to help you get straight to your Data modeling tasks without getting lost along the way.

Ok, that’s enough 9: oo am presentations

At 10:15, Hayden Hudson presents a novel way to get customers to take their security seriously. Specifically, by applying basic hacking techniques to create a simulated SQLMAP attack in “A cautionary tutorial – learn the basics of SQLMAP to show how a single SQL Injection vulnerability can lead to a major data breach” (6539)

Then, Hayden is back on again at 11:45. “Use Docker to localize your dev environment and eliminate version control headaches!(6414) shows how cloning your dev APEX/DB environment locally can protect you against unreliable remote servers, faulty VPN connections, accidentally overwritten code etc. This session takes you through a cloning demo within an Oracle db 12c NGINX and APEX 5.1.4. Moreover, you’ll get a host of best practices along the way.

And that was just Wednesday morning. Here’s Wednesday afternoon.

Did you say APEX 18.1? At 3:30, Martin D’Souza teaches you about its new APIs in “APEX 18.1 New APIs” (6409). As a matter of fact, most developers aren’t aware of the many features contained in APEX’s set of APIs. He’ll overview some of those as well.

Finally, also at 3:30, Anton Neilsen closes out this sizeable run of Insum Kscope18 presentations. With “How teams can develop in APEX without stepping on each other” (6394) Anton goes over the finer points of keeping large APEX development teams happy with guidance on when to develop within a shared environment and when to go private.

See you at Kscope18

Whether you are an experienced Oracle APEX developer or just starting out with this amazing development tool, Insum has your needs covered. Choose your presentations today!

For a truly over and above APEX experience, I strongly recommend booking one of our Ask the Expert Meetings. This your chance to have a 30-minute face-to-face meeting at our Insum booth (#419) with one of our Oracle ACEs or Experts. There are a limited number of meetings available and it’s all on a first-come-first-serve basis so hurry!

Our following experts are available for a 30-minute one-on-one session

  • Francis Mignault
  • Anton Nielsen
  • Monty Latiolais
  • Martin D’Souza
  • Vincent Morneau
  • Adrian Png

Come see us at booth #419, no matter what! Or, come to our very own Insum Lounge and trade in the Kscope frenzy for a Zen experience…

Advance registration (save $300!) is open till May 26th. Also, use the Insum registration code (“Insum”) to save an additional $100!

We look forward to meeting you at Kscope18 in Orlando.

 Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
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