Helping employers manage a safe return to work
Months of shutdowns, social distancing, and quarantining means that many things have changed significantly. Countries are cautiously lifting restrictions and slowly reopening the doors to their economies.
Employers must now make plans of their own, and consider how to do so safely. Businesses will need to make their own decisions as to whether, when and how they will reopen their physical workplaces. While doing so, they’ll need to keep in mind their duties to their employees, customers and other stakeholders.
Are the changes permanent? It’s hard to know.
But we’ve developed two applications that can help employers manage the complex return to work procedures they face in the new COVID-19 era.

Insum’s HR Director, Marina Medeiros, was struggling to find a way to manage and track Insum’s own return to work procedures.
How could she safely control how many people could access the office at any one time?
Could she assign priorities to certain groups of employees?
What about a queuing system for office space?
Starting with an in-house office booking application we’d been using for years, Marina requested a few updates.
As the application evolved, she realized her colleagues in the HR industry would likely benefit from the same tool. They also were facing similar challenges.
And so SafeOffice was born, and is now available to anybody looking to ensure a smooth transition to the office.

Our own VP – Sales, Roger Leblanc, foresaw another need when his son, who works in the construction industry, suggested that his employer could use some help managing new COVID-19 procedures.
When the CNESST (Québec’s standards and equity commission for occupational health and safety)
in Québec requested employers verify the health of their employees daily before allowing them to access any worksites, many companies had no choice but to try to manage this on paper.
We have since launched SafeSurveys in order to help employers meet these CNESST requirements, and are adding new features that will allow any business to survey the health of its employees, visitors or anybody else accessing their locations via fully customizable questionnaires.

For more information about our SafeSuite applications, please visit
Have an urgent information management need brought on by the COVID-19 crisis? We can help. We’ve assembled Rapid Response Teams that are ready and available to help you find solutions to your pressing data management requirements. Think of us as the tech versions of your local fire department!