By: Michelle Skamene On: March 17, 2020 In: APEX Basics Comments: 0

If you’re looking to start learning about Oracle APEX, want to know where to go if you have questions or need support, or simply want to keep up with Oracle APEX news, you’ve come to right place!

Our very own Jorge Rimblas and Jackie McIlroy put together a great presentation full of useful APEX related links. It’s a great resource for people looking for resources related to APEX.

Jorge even presented it his webinar: Maze Runner, the cure for APEX confusion.

We thought it could be helpful to gather all those links in one central place, for reference.

Alternatively, if you’d like to download our super cute, clickable PDF: Oracle APEX Resources Cheat Sheet, you can do that too.

Either way, we hope you find this collection of links useful!

Happy APEX’ing, friends!

APEX Resources Cheat Sheet


Create your own local environment

Ask Tom Office Hours

Live sessions with members of the Oracle team and other expert guests

Q&A format

Previous recordings available




Oracle APEX Talk Show

Martin D’Souza and Juergen Schuster


Bruce Clark

Questions? Support?


ODTUG Past Presentations

Members have access to all presentations and recordings from past events. Learn from the best!

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