Assess Your Organization's Readiness for an Oracle Forms Modernization

Are you considering modernizing your Oracle Forms applications? Transitioning to newer technologies can unlock a world of possibilities. However, modernizing can feel like a daunting expedition, and preparing is essential. Our “Oracle Forms Modernization Readiness Assessment Survey” can help identify key questions you’ll need to answer before embarking on your journey.

Why take our Oracle Forms Modernization Readiness survey?

This interactive survey will help you assess your organization’s readiness for an Oracle Forms Modernization. It will highlight aspects like organizational consensus, technical preparedness, and strategic alignment, providing a holistic view of where you stand.

Gain insightful perspectives for your Oracle Forms modernization journey

Upon completion, you’ll receive immediate feedback and insightful perspectives on your readiness level, allowing you to pinpoint areas that need attention and helping you make informed decisions. 

Take the First Step to a Successful Oracle Forms Modernization

It takes less than 5 minutes! Dive in, explore, and uncover crucial insights that can pave the way for a smoother, more effective modernization journey. 

Take the survey now!

Uncovering insightful perpectives about your Oracle Forms Migration to Oracle APEX journey in less than 5 minutes

Unlock your path to digital transformation with our Oracle Forms Modernization Readiness Survey. Discover your organization’s preparedness, technical capabilities, and strategic alignment for a smooth modernization journey. Take the survey now to receive a personalized assessment and expert recommendations tailored to you!

Further Reading

How much will my Oracle Forms Modernization project cost?

How much will my Oracle Forms modernization project cost? A thorough assessment will provide the best answer to that question. Learn more.

Oracle Forms migration to Oracle APEX: Where to start

Having done multiple conversions from Oracle Forms to Oracle APEX, I will answer questions that you should be asking before starting this project.

Why Oracle Forms Modernization with APEX is Ideal

When it comes to migrating away from legacy Oracle Forms applications, there are many replacement options. And, it's no secret that Oracle APEX is becoming an increasingly recommended alternative to Oracle Forms. But why APEX? You would think they have little in common as Forms is client-server based and APEX [...]

Oracle Forms Migration: What are my Options?

Oracle Forms applications are the backbone of many organizations. They've evolved over time to fit the needs of order processing, shipping, finance, and more. They can be a model of efficiency.  Yet, Forms at its core is still Client-Server technology, and only partially adapted to today's web-based business reality. This [...]

Our Oracle Forms Modernization Success Stories

Our team of seasoned experts has guided numerous businesses through their Oracle Forms modernization journeys. With our deep knowledge of Oracle technology, a keen eye for business process optimization, and a client-centric approach, we ensure that your journey is not just successful, but also a significant leap towards enterprise excellence.

This national space agency’s mission is to advance the knowledge of space through science and ensure that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for its country.

Use Case

Energy industry provider lights up for APEX Forms modernization due to its software editor’s upgrade to Oracle APEX, the client needed to Migrate 323 material management Forms screens to APEX in a 12-month timeframe. The screens included many extensions. 

Use Case

The client wished to update its tax collection systems as they were running on outdated versions of its Database, Oracle Forms and oracle APEX, and using a combination of role based & application-level security.

Use Case

• Oracle Forms on-premise ERP needed review
• Needed to incorporate new business processes quickly
• Required better data visibility (reporting and data visualization)

Use Case

Oracle Forms’ reliance on old web techonolgy, lack of responsive design and concerns for overall security motivated this firm to seek a replacement. 

Use Case

To fulfill its industry regulator's role, this commission required functionality beyond the limits of its Oracle Forms-based legacy applications.

Use Case