
Introducing covid19masks.info

What happens when a motivated team of Oracle APEX specialists comes together on a Thursday evening?

They decide to do something to help address the growing, urgent information management needs brought on by the COVID19 crisis, of course. That very weekend.


In just two days, we developed, tested and pushed our application to production. 


VA Hospitals Needing Masks

The idea for this particular site came from the fact that our very own Anton Nielsen’s wife had been called to sew masks for the local VA hospital.

Did you know that there is actually a growing movement worldwide of volunteers working on making PPE for organizations in dire need.

But how to connect those wonderful people to the organizations that need them? Where do they go? How many do they need?

covid19masks.info allows organizations to log their needs for masks, gowns, face shields, etc, along with any specific instructions for materials. They specify drop off locations and contact information.

Subsequently, volunteers can then search through the list of organizations, and commit to a need.

We are hoping this tool makes a difference and help organize this growing movement of amazing, worldwide volunteers.


Introducing Insum’s Rapid Response Teams

This is just one example of the many information management challenges the COVID19 crisis brings.

It spares few organizations.

In response to this growing need, Insum has assembled several Rapid Response Teams to provide Rapid DesignDevelopment, and Production Implementation capabilities to organizations that have been impacted.

If your organization has an immediate, urgent need for an information management system to help mitigate the effects of the COVID19 crisis, we invite you to get in touch with us at covid19@insum.talan.com, or by visiting insum.talan.com/covid19

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