By: Monty Latiolais On: March 29, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 2

As of March 12, we now know rather than 5.2, the new version of APEX will be 18.1. March 12th also gave us Early Adopter 2 along with eight new enhancements. Where does your favorite APEX 18.1 feature rank? Biggest Mover Up: Oracle JET and jQuery Upgrades [ +2 ]...

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By: Insum Editor On: March 1, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 0

On June 25th, 2017 at the ODTUG KScope general session in San Antonio, Vincent Morneau a long-time Insum employee was presented with the ODTUG innovation award for his development of an application called APEX Nitro. APEX Nitro streamlines the use of HTML, JavaScript and CSS when Programming within Oracle Application...

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By: Monty Latiolais On: February 27, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 0

New month. New leader. All in all some twelve features changed positions. Where does your favorite APEX 5.2 feature rank? Biggest Mover Up: REST Enabled SQL Support [ +4 ] Biggest Mover Down: New Create App Wizard [ -2 ] Previous Rankings: January 2018 Editor’s note: Each month, we’ll power...

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By: Neil Fernandez On: February 6, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 10

Recently I was working on a project that relied heavily on location data. It required entering addresses, over and over again. Country, state, street address, city, zip code, etc… I was thinking that there must be a better way. Turns out there is: Google Autocomplete! I am sure you...

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By: Monty Latiolais On: January 25, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 3

Oracle APEX 5.2  may be considered a minor release, but it promises major functionality enhancements.  Which of these will move the needle? Each month, we’ll power rank the rumored enhancements ahead of Oracle APEX 5.2’s GA release. We’ll take the pulse of the APEX community, monitoring comments, talking to you...

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By: Adrian Png On: December 20, 2017 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 12

The Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML2) is an XML-based markup language and an open standard for identity and service providers to communicate authentication and authorization information.

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By: Martin D'Souza On: May 4, 2017 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 7

Oracle APEX Version Control - Mitigate APEX’s version control constraints by using good development practices that work well with APEX.

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By: Patrick Cimolini On: March 9, 2017 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 3

Understand and master how to use slashes and semicolons in Oracle DDL Scripts. Terminate your SQL and PL/SQL statements properly.

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By: Adrian Png On: February 28, 2017 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 4

Learn how to integrate statistical calculations or machine learning algorithms in your Oracle APEX application with R functions.

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By: Monty Latiolais On: February 17, 2017 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 2

Our top Oracle APEX minds highlight their favourite new features (IG, Theme Roller, new APIs) and share why you should upgrade to Oracle APEX 5.1.

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