By: Hayden Hudson On: April 24, 2019 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

What is a ‘productivity cube’, you ask? It’s a physical device that you manually rotate to mark your changing tasks, thereby elegantly tracking your time. We built such a device for the Insum 2019 Hackathon The concept is best understood in action: https://www.youtube.com/embed/OtSPYfJLQBE   To be clear, this product...

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By: Insum Editor On: April 2, 2019 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

In less than a week’s time, Insum is heading out to Collaborate19 in San Antonio, Texas. Collaborate is an intense 5 days of networking for Oracle technology users, product development people, and consultants.  Whether you are administering E-Business Suite, or using other Oracle technology, the event is a unique...

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By: Insum Editor On: March 28, 2019 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

In the middle of InsumHack19 on a sunny Saturday afternoon, with hackathon teams feverishly working around us and a Monday noon deadline drawing closer, we sat down with Martin D’Souza, Oracle ACE Director and Director of Innovation at Insum. We talked about Insum’s hackathon evolution and the reasons behind...

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By: Insum Editor On: March 21, 2019 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

It’s almost time for our annual Hackathon and in preparation for this year’s #Insumhack19, we caught up with Trent Schafer (may or may not be the guy in the photo), the captain of last year’s winning Hackathon team. We sat down for an interview and a little inspiration for...

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By: Insum Editor On: December 11, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0
By: Monty Latiolais On: October 16, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

Oracle OpenWorld18 is nigh. This year Insum’s own, Francis Mignault and I will be in attendance. We are looking forward to meeting with the Oracle Product Development teams, our wonderful partners and most importantly clients and potential clients. Still with tens of thousands of people in attendance it can...

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By: Monty Latiolais On: June 22, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

ODTUG Kscope 2018 was held in Orlando, Fl. from June 10 to June 14  Seeing as only a fraction of the total APEX community can actually attend in person, it becomes necessary to report back and to provide our take, our opinions of the week that was KScope. This...

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By: Francis Mignault On: May 10, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

This year at Kscope18, Insum will dish out no less than 16 Oracle APEX-related presentations in only 3 days. Every one of them is designed to capture your developer’s imagination and feed you practical information and guidelines throughout your discovery of the many facets of this powerful Rapid Application Development tool....

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By: Francis Mignault On: May 8, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

It’s time for the Insum Collaborate18 wrap-up Our APEX experts were at OAUG’s premiere event from April 22nd to April 28th. According to all present it was, in many ways, our most successful Collaborate participation yet, garnering more interest in Oracle APEX than we’d seen in previous years. To...

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By: Insum Editor On: May 3, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

On April 17th, 2018, the City of Montreal honored Insum with the Abe-Limonchik intercultural award.  This distinction recognizes “exceptional contribution to intercultural relations and the promotion of diversity”. The evaluation criteria for this unique award are as follows: The distinct, innovative and exemplary nature of the practices put in...

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