By: Monty Latiolais On: April 30, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 0

It’s quiet. Too quiet. And while I have no official word from Oracle, something tells me we’re getting close to announcing 18.1 as being generally available.

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By: Sylvain Martel On: April 26, 2018 In: Oracle Cloud Comments: 0

Many companies are now planning some kind of migration to the cloud for their Enterprise Resource Planning systems. This is because there are many advantages to getting your ERP on a Cloud infrastructure.

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By: Monty Latiolais On: April 24, 2018 In: Oracle Discoverer Comments: 0

Extended support for Oracle Discoverer ended over a year and a half ago, in June 2017. Enterprises using this once premier ad hoc reporting software are hearing the clock tick louder than ever. This is because, without further upgrades or support, Discoverer could become prey to bugs, end up...

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By: Francis Mignault On: April 19, 2018 In: Oracle Forms Comments: 0
By: Sonia Tounay On: April 17, 2018 In: News Comments: 0

Montreal, April 17, 2018—Insum (insum.talan.com), a Quebec company recognized for its innovative applications solutions and a specialist in the Oracle database and the Oracle Application Express (APEX) development tool, today was presented with Montreal’s 2018 Abe-Limonchik intercultural award in the business category. Michel St-Amour, Insum’s cofounder and president, received...

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By: Marc-André Brasseur On: April 16, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 2

These quickly digestible tips are to help you appreciate what a fabulous front-end development tool APEX Nitro is for Oracle Application Express (APEX), which is, of course, an awesome Rapid Application Development tool for Oracle Database users.

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By: Sylvain Martel On: April 5, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

Spring is here and Collaborate18 is coming soon. Spring, for those who have winter, is the season where you can’t wait for that melting snow to be totally gone and start enjoying your favorite summer activities.  Getting to your BBQ without having to walk through 3 feet of snow...

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By: Insum Editor On: April 3, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

InsumHack18, our 3rd annual Hackathon was both the most challenging and the most rewarding to date. Teams had to develop an application for the Amazon Echo, as well as work with its personal assistant, Alexa. The entries were varied and each of them, rich in possibilities. A significant portion of the...

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