By: Marc Ruel On: May 26, 2023 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

Anton and Hayden demonstrate how to test authorization schemes effectively by masquerading as another user.

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By: Sylvain Martel On: May 23, 2023 In: EBS Extensions, Oracle E-Business Suite Comments: 0

There are a few challenges to developing EBS-APEX integrations in-house. These are easily overcome when using Insum"s Handshake for EBS! 

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By: Lauren Prezby On: May 23, 2023 In: Insum Life, Kscope, News Comments: 0
By: Marc Ruel On: May 19, 2023 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

Anton and Hayden discuss debugging the JavaScript keyword “this” when used in APEX dynamic actions using three methods

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By: Michelle Skamene On: May 18, 2023 In: APEX Basics, New Release Comments: 0
By: Michelle Skamene On: May 10, 2023 In: APEX Developer Solutions, Oracle APEX Comments: 0

Discover the essential steps for upgrading your Oracle APEX applications after you've deployed the latest version. Learn how to leverage new features, and ensure a smooth transition by following best practices, including reading release notes, backing up, refactoring code, and testing.

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By: Marc Ruel On: May 5, 2023 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

An overview of several tips from Anton's blog post about writing fast queries and a demo showing some queries don't need to read the table.

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By: Marc Ruel On: May 2, 2023 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

Built into SQLcl for everyone to use is Liquibase. Hayden demonstrates his preferred method for its deployment.

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