Free Complexity Analysis


Begin Your Oracle Forms Modernization
with a Free Complexity Analysis

Uncover the intricacies of your applications and begin your modernization journey

How does it work?

Before embarking on any Oracle Forms Modernization project, you need to understand how complex your current system is.

How extensive are your Oracle Forms applications? How many Forms and Reports? How complex are they?

Our free InForms analysis is a high-level first-pass scan and categorization of your Oracle Forms and Reports. 

Just fill out the form below, and we’ll follow up with you with next steps, sending you a customized report within a couple of days.

What you’ll get

  • FMB and RDF categorization by complexity level
  • Number of components per object (total Canvas, Blocks, Items, Program Units, Triggers)
  • Number of non-applicable components (dead code, navigation items, etc)

Why not make it the starting point for your Oracle Forms Modernization journey?

Get started here

Bonus eBook

In addition to your Free Complexity Analysis, we’ll also send you our comprehensive Oracle Forms Modernization eBook, a valuable resource designed to deepen your understanding of your Oracle Forms Migration readiness. This guide is your key to unlocking the full potential of your Oracle Forms applications, offering insights and tactics to navigate your modernization process with confidence. Complete the request form to kickoff your modernization journey.

What is an Oracle Forms Complexity Analysis?

A complexity analysis specifically looks at Oracle Forms applications to determine the scope of work needed for modernization or migration.

It categorizes Forms and Reports by complexity, quantifies components (like Canvas, Blocks, Items, Program Units, Triggers), and identifies non-applicable components (such as dead code).

This analysis is a crucial first step for planning a modernization project, as it helps you understand the scale of your current system, anticipate potential issues, and devise a strategic roadmap for a smooth transition to newer technologies.

Benefits of an Oracle Forms Complexity Analysis

In-Depth Understanding: Gain a comprehensive insight into the complexity and intricacies of your current Oracle Forms applications, helping you understand the scope of potential modernization efforts.

Risk Mitigation: Early identification of complex areas helps mitigate risks associated with the modernization process, ensuring a smoother transition.

Strategic Roadmap: The analysis serves as the foundation for developing a strategic roadmap for modernization, tailored to your specific business needs and goals.

Cost and Time Efficiency: Identify potential savings in both cost and time by understanding the complexities upfront, allowing for a more efficient planning and execution phase.

What people say about our free Complexity Analysis

“Receiving the complexity analysis from Insum was the first step in understanding the true scope of our modernization needs. It made our path forward clearer and more strategic.” – IT Director, ISV

“The analysis provided us with a detailed understanding of the complexity of our Oracle Forms environment. It was the clarity we needed to move forward confidently.” – IT Project Lead, Healthcare Industry

“Truly invaluable insight.” – CTO, Higher Education

Our Oracle Forms Modernization Success Stories

Our team of seasoned experts has guided numerous businesses through their Oracle Forms modernization journeys. With our deep knowledge of Oracle technology, a keen eye for business process optimization, and a client-centric approach, we ensure that your journey is not just successful, but also a significant leap towards enterprise excellence.

This national space agency’s mission is to advance the knowledge of space through science and ensure that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for its country.

Use Case

Energy industry provider lights up for APEX Forms modernization due to its software editor’s upgrade to Oracle APEX, the client needed to Migrate 323 material management Forms screens to APEX in a 12-month timeframe. The screens included many extensions. 

Use Case

The client wished to update its tax collection systems as they were running on outdated versions of its Database, Oracle Forms and oracle APEX, and using a combination of role based & application-level security.

Use Case

• Oracle Forms on-premise ERP needed review
• Needed to incorporate new business processes quickly
• Required better data visibility (reporting and data visualization)

Use Case

Oracle Forms’ reliance on old web techonolgy, lack of responsive design and concerns for overall security motivated this firm to seek a replacement. 

Use Case

To fulfill its industry regulator's role, this commission required functionality beyond the limits of its Oracle Forms-based legacy applications.

Use Case

Further Reading

How much will my Oracle Forms Modernization project cost?

How much will my Oracle Forms modernization project cost? A thorough assessment will provide the best answer to that question. Learn more.

Oracle Forms migration to Oracle APEX: Where to start

Having done multiple conversions from Oracle Forms to Oracle APEX, I will answer questions that you should be asking before starting this project.

Why Oracle Forms Modernization with APEX is Ideal

When it comes to migrating away from legacy Oracle Forms applications, there are many replacement options. And, it's no secret that Oracle APEX is becoming an increasingly recommended alternative to Oracle Forms. But why APEX? You would think they have little in common as Forms is client-server based and APEX [...]

Oracle Forms Migration: What are my Options?

Oracle Forms applications are the backbone of many organizations. They've evolved over time to fit the needs of order processing, shipping, finance, and more. They can be a model of efficiency.  Yet, Forms at its core is still Client-Server technology, and only partially adapted to today's web-based business reality. This [...]

Ready to talk about modernizing your Oracle Forms?