By: Marc Ruel On: June 21, 2022 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

Do you have APEX application processes that are unexplainably slow? Hayden demonstrates how to locate the problematic code with DBMS_HPROF.

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By: Marc Ruel On: June 15, 2022 In: Feuertips Comments: 0

Taking a break from presenting a tip on a specific topic, Steven and co-host Michelle Skamene walk through a recent refactoring he did with an Insum consultant.

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By: Marc Ruel On: June 10, 2022 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

Anton and Hayden compare how to add a report and form to a pre-existing page in APEX 5.1, APEX 20.1, and 22.1.

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By: Marc Ruel On: June 3, 2022 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

In this episode, Hayden demonstrates a tool he built to access an IR's search results and transmit them.

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By: Steven Feuerstein On: June 1, 2022 In: APEX Developer Solutions, Feuertips Comments: 0

Steven dives into deterministic functions. What they are, why you'd use them, and how they're different from result cache functions.

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