By: Jocelyn Coté On: October 23, 2018 In: Business Solutions, Oracle E-Business Suite Comments: 0
By: Francis Mignault On: October 18, 2018 In: Uncategorised Comments: 0

In this second installment of my series on Oracle Forms and Reports, I’ll explain why Oracle APEX is ideally suited for Forms Modernization (My first blog was about Forms Challenges). APEX is a web-based Rapid Application Development tool that comes with the Oracle Database. If you already run an...

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By: Monty Latiolais On: October 16, 2018 In: Insum Life Comments: 0

Oracle OpenWorld18 is nigh. This year Insum’s own, Francis Mignault and I will be in attendance. We are looking forward to meeting with the Oracle Product Development teams, our wonderful partners and most importantly clients and potential clients. Still with tens of thousands of people in attendance it can...

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By: Hayden Hudson On: October 12, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 0

What’s the optimal technical solution for sending do-not-reply / marketing / notification / batch emails? Is it wiser to in-house or outsource the service? What are my options if I’m considering outsourcing? These questions are difficult and I don’t propose to answer any of them with much thoroughness. They...

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By: Anton Nielsen On: October 4, 2018 In: APEX Developer Solutions Comments: 4
By: Francis Mignault On: October 2, 2018 In: Oracle Forms Comments: 0