By: Marc Ruel On: April 26, 2024 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

The APEX qAsk application can be used for live surveys. Anton and Marwa demonstrate and point out a few of its (ahem) needed improvements.

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By: Marc Ruel On: April 19, 2024 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

When merging a copy back into an APEX app, make sure to unclick anything that says "changed." Anton explains why.

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By: Michelle Skamene On: April 15, 2024 In: Business Perspectives, Excel, Home Page, Latest Blog Comments: 0

Discover how Excel's limitations in complex settings can lead to inefficiencies, and how Oracle APEX is the perfect to help overcome them

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By: Marc Ruel On: April 12, 2024 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

Every APEX user can appreciate this. Once you get there, the route seems obvious, but most people ride the struggle bus on the way...

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By: Marc Ruel On: April 5, 2024 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

Anton and Marwa discuss how to read and understand the help for PopUp LOV > Javascript Initialization Code.

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By: Marc Ruel On: April 2, 2024 In: Instant Tips Comments: 0

Anton explains why all your tables with foreign keys should have an index on the foreign key.

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